Existonomy – making the world a better place - transfomration - economics - politics - crisis

Straight talk
Our world is going to the dogs. Sea levels rise with the temperatures. Extreme weather events occur more frequently. Pandemics become the new normal. Refugees stream from South to North. From East to West. Water, air, soil, everything is polluted. Everywhere. Forests burn. Animals and plants are dying out. The activists of the "Last Generation" glue themselves to the asphalt. Fridays are the future's day for demos. Politicians and corporate bosses meet in glass palaces. They wrangle about whether we can manage some damage limitation by 2050. Like helpless onlookers, we marvel at the spectacle of our own downfall. Applause. Off to the SUV. Home to Netflix.
Major polluters
I've noticed something recently. For major polluters, saving the world takes place in their spare time. Major polluters, that's us residents of industrial and emerging countries. Each of us consumes over one Earth per year. That's why it's time for saving the world to take place during working hours for more of us.
"We are systematically destroying existence to secure our own existence."
I let that sink in. The lowly estimated hamster wheel of daily breadwinning accelerates the collapse. And several times over. We consume energy and other resources for work. Through it, we pollute the world. From it, products emerge that poison us permanently as (special) waste a short time later.
The economy
We've done a good job of that..
For all this is solely made by us. We call it economy. The word is composed of oikos "house" and nómos "law". In other words, house rules. Who makes the rules? Of course, the masters. What makes them masters? Simply: ownership or power of representation. Whoever owns something, whoever represents others, decides what may happen within and with it. These are individuals who do what they think is right. Just like me. Only my actions have smaller effects than those of the Daimler board, those of Elon Musk or those of Joe Biden.
Interim result
Let's summarize. The little-loved hamster wheel, the daily work routine, the economy, is the central source for the impending disasters. Duty is duty and liquor is liquor. Saving the world, according to the formula, is clearly liquor. Let's also note. Economy is purely human made. It is a story we tell ourselves and believe in. It obeys not a single law of nature. Consequently, because it only grew on our own dung, we can change it at any time. But when is this supposed to happen?
Saving the world
II looked for the missing time. And found it:
Worldwide, people spend 3 billion 345 million 359 thousand and 457 man-years at work. Every year.
In Germany, 0.67 percent of this is spent on activities that protect the environment. This corresponds to three-quarters of a job per hundred workers. I find that there is enough potential in the rest to clean up the planet by 2030. The economy stands in our way. It organizes our labor in the wrong direction. Therefore, instead of leaving the scepter to any masters, we need laws for the economy that orient themselves to (surviving) life itself.

It's time for Existonomy to put the
economy on a leash!

Existonomy needs a change in behavior.
This is how we achieve it ...
Manifesto for Existonomy
We spend time, energy and money to bring together constructive perspectives from active minorities. We stop chasing majorities.
Freedom before dependence
Integration before majorities
Every child receives a business number at birth. This always allows people to issue invoices in their own name. Nobody has to, everyone can.
You and I, we are the sovereign. We decide the topics ourselves and stand up for them. No dodging. No pointing at others. No getting your head out of the noose.
Voting right before property
Responsibility before exploitation
Companies become ventures and ventures do have a memory. It remembers who, when, with what contribution, for how long, carried which risk (jointly). The people who made this effort receive an agreed share of the yield. The right to determine what the company does is detached from this. Here, everyone gets exactly one vote, who is currently active.
Enlightenment before power
So that citizens can make meaningful decisions, their state enlightens them. This happens in a contemporary way. In terms of content, methodology and technology, constructively.
This is particularly done by scientists, journalists, teachers, professors, politicians, experts, think tanks, consultants...
Each statement in dollars, euros, etc., is supplemented with the information about the polluted liters of drinking water and the consumed amount of fossil fuels. On the pay slip. On the cinema ticket. In the supermarket. On the component. When shutting down the computer, smartphone, tablet. At the end of the streaming. On the speedometer. In the profit & loss account...
Solution before spectacle
Reality before economy
They are only news if they demonstrate feasible solution behavior.
Economy only has the right to achieve the goals that leave what demonstrably harms existence.
Avoidance before activism
Clarity before bureaucracy
Everyone immediately pays 0.5% tax when they transfer capital. Whether it's when buying, selling, inheriting, earning a salary, interest, etc., simply always.
Outbreak of courage
It takes courage to question the economy.
It takes strength to defy the economy.
It takes imagination to tell the story of Existonomy.
It takes activists who are willing to put their existence on the line for it.
You are invited to join me, I have been doing it with joy and satisfaction for over twenty years.
Now is our time.
Now is your moment.
Now it depends on making the success of our work dependent on the well-being of existence itself.
It starts with you and me, that we allow ourselves and many others to imagine that we succeed. The powerful tool for change is the idea whose moment has come. Now is the time of Existonomy.
Now is the time for Existonomy
use these hashtags to refer to the manifesto: